Serie A Italy:match prediction Empoli vs Roma

On 26.05 will be held between Empoli vs Roma. If you are planning to bet, it is recommended to read the match prediction.

On 26.05 the match between Empoli and Roma will take place within the final round of Serie A. This match promises to be interesting and tense, given the current form of the teams and their tournament goals. You can check out other predictions at, where new information is regularly available.

What are Empoli’s chances?

Empoli in the current season shows mixed results. The team is at the bottom of the standings and is fighting for survival in Serie A. Their recent matches have been characterised by mixed successes: several draws and defeats, but there have also been some bright victories over mid-table opponents.

Roma, on the contrary, are at the top of the table and are fighting for places in the European Cup. The team shows stable results and is especially strong at home. Their attack and defense play cohesively, and Jose Mourinho’s charges often dominate the pitch.

In previous meetings, Roma have often come out victorious, which suggests that the Romans have a significant advantage in head-to-head encounters. However, there is always room for surprises in football, and Empoli can take advantage of underestimation from the opponent.

The match will be played at the Empoli stadium, and the support of the home stands can play a significant role. The fans will actively support their team, which can give Empoli players extra motivation and strength.

Empoli’s chances against Roma don’t look too high considering the teams’ current position in the table, the players’ form, and historical statistics. Nevertheless, football is unpredictable, and Empoli, playing at home, can show decent resistance and even fight for points. The main condition for this will be a disciplined game in defense and realization of chances in attack.

What are Roma’s chances?

Roma under the leadership of Jose Mourinho in the current season shows a stable game, occupying a place at the top of the standings. The team has shown good form in recent matches, despite a number of injuries to key players. Mourinho is known for his ability to motivate the team at crucial moments, and this could play an important role in the upcoming match.

Historically, Roma has the advantage in head-to-head meetings with Empoli. In the last five matches between these teams, Roma have won four times and drawn once. This could give Roma players extra confidence ahead of the match.

As a result, Roma has a high chance of winning, but the team will have to show their best qualities and not underestimate their opponents to guarantee themselves three points in this match.

Bottom line

Most likely, the match will end with a victory for Roma. The predicted score is 2-0 in favor of the visitors. “Empoli will try to fight back, but Roma’s class and motivation should play a decisive role in this match.